I helped a kitty at my apartments. He was hurt (his eye was ruptured it turned out) so Dana helped me take him to the humane society in Fort Worth. I am glad he isnt suffering anymore.
Vote for Denton animal services because they need the money BADLY! they are terrible but I think if they had money it would really help.
I told Dana that this year I want to help an animal shelter as my charity. I do something for charity (donate money, angel tree, etc) every year and this year I want to dedicate it to this kitty and do something for a shelter. Lori suggested I make blankets or beds. I like that idea. We'll see.
In other news today is my dads birthday. He would have been 54 today. I bought myself dinner to celebrate. I hope I can always do something on his birthday and the day he died. I just like to take a few minutes, even if its just a meal, to think about him and dedicate it to him.
I'm working on Vagina crafts already. lol the season has begun.