Right, so I should blog more

Jul 28, 2005 03:32

Sorry y'all, I should really blog more so the world can keep up to date on my life.

Coming up on decision-time in life, within the next ohh...week and a half or so? So yeah, that should be ummmn...exciting isn't the word I'd use. Interesting is more like it.

Have been trying to get ahold of a friend to have a serious conversation for the past week or so, finally caved tonight when I saw an entry on her LJ that I could respond to, and just dumped everything in there. It probably wasn't the suavest thing to do, but then again, Rico Suave I'm not.

Still hafta hear from G what's going on with his job so I can figure out if California is the place to be, or if I'm staying an East Coast boyyy.

And then I hafta decide if SBUX is the place to be, or if there are other greater things out there awaiting me right now. Someday there will no question be greater things, the only question is if they are now or if now is not the right time.

in other news, it's 3:37 am and I now have a headache, so I think I shall catch some sleep. Tomorrow night I have apparently been invited to drinky drinkies at TGI Fridays with the Wellesley crew, so that should be enjoyable at the least. Get royally sloshed!! Or if there's no need for that, just hang and laugh.
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