YEsturday was a bad day in the life of angela

Feb 04, 2003 15:51

well lets start with yesturday i guess .... i woke up and got ready for school i was having a really freat hair day and i accually looked good if i do say so myself well that did last long .. me and my sister(18) were driving to school when all of a sudden this big white van came over to our side of the road so my sister tried to push over so he didnt hit us needless to say he did THANK GOD ... or so we thought we ended up hitting apatch of ice and went off the road down a lil ditch and BOOOOOOOOOOOM right into this huge tree going at least 35 needless to say the tree one the car was smashed and me and my sister were STUCCK!! i couldnt even move becuz i had no air bag and the force of the crash flung me into the dash board even though i was wearing my selt belt ... all i could feel was pain everywhere i couldnt feel my head becuz i was stuck i looked over at my sister to make sure she was ok and the frist thing i notied was that her hair was in the windshield what happend i asked and she went i think i hit my head(comes to find out yeah she did it BROKE teh windshield and she had sum cuts on her head now but shes fine) my mom wasnt home and neither was our dad so we were like screaming ucz we were all alone and we didnt kno who to call or if help was ever going to come... i must say when i saw teh ambulance i was acuually happy by the time they got there i knew there was sumtin wronge with me there was blood on my jeans and it hurt to breathe ... i thought i was going to die.... the paramadic cut my door and got me out they did the same with my sister we were both taking to the hospital by ambulance and i think it was teh longest ride of my life.... all i knew is my stoumack really hurt the paramedic was liek i think ur internally bleeding THANKS TO MY SEAT BELT squooshing my insides so before i knew it there was an iv in my arm my sister at this point was beside me but i couldnt see nor hear her i was really scared the next thing i kno im at teh emergency room and all these people were around and i just wanted my mom luckally enough for me she works at morton and was still there she ran down and came to be with us after a while they new what was wronge with me and they stoped the bleeding and i was sopouse to be ok .... well then back to my jeans why were they blooddy u ask I HAD A HUGE GASH in my LEG and it it was bleeding that again made me flip out my sister needed all these test done but thank god shes ok and i think she will ALWAYS wear heer seat bealt from now on and i kno i will continue to wear mine .. yeah it caused more damage to me in teh long run but hey im alive right
TODay everyone was asking me about my accident so i had to tell teh story liek 100 times but im glad people were worried about me it made me feel loved and it also made me see how much i love the people around me
to my friends u guys kno who u are I LOVE U liek ur my FAMILY and i dont want any of u to every change ok ?
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