Jul 12, 2007 21:44
Who, Exactly, Are You Calling Immoral?
According to a recent poll, about 58% of the country want us out of Iraq now, or in the next year. Well, I have a way to bring roughly 65,000 troops home now. For them to just up and leave. Yup, just up and leave. Find a way out. Refuse to serve.
Well, 65,000 are estimates of how many gay and lesbians are serving in the military right now. And General Pace, a high ranking military official, recently shared his beliefs that homosexuality is immoral, likened it to adultery and said it should not be tolerated in the military and certainly that gays and lesbians should not be able to serve openly. Fine, then let us out, send us home. And, if you are gay, you should refuse, yes, refuse to go in to the military until it accepts you openly. How little self esteem do you have, anyway? And don't give me all this working within the system bullshit, where has that gotten you so far? "Don't ask,don't tell..." Ya, that's progress. Do your partners get benefits if you die? Nope, not officially. Can you even go down on the "family" area and greet them when they return from battle? Not in many instances. So leave, and don't join.
Because that's how you win. You grab the country and the military by the short hairs. It's an all volunteer army and if 65,000, roughly half of what is in Iraq right now, walked, think about the implications. They can't be courtmarshalled. They can all just walk up and tell everybody they're big flaming homos and out they go. The military will even do the job of removing them from service without them having to break any laws.
I grow tired of my community trying to make organizations accept them, states, recognize them, governments respect them. We have power in numbers, and in our wallets, use it. If a state votes against same sex marriage or civil unions, move to a state that allows them. Reward the economies of fair states with your home purchases, car purchases, tax payments. Punish those that don't. Leave churches that don't accept you as a whole, real, non-broken person. Screw the Catholics and Evangelicals. Find a place where a real god, a god of love and acceptance is worshipped. Take your tithes, your physical presence, your donations elsewhere.
It's time we stop begging everybody to accept us and just reward the people that do. And when those that don't feel that crush, lose that money, lose those bodies, lose the revenues, when the rolls dwindle or areas don't get rejuvenated and property values shoot up (every time gays take over an area, it shoots up, ask South Beach in Miami, Hillcrest in San Diego, West Hollywood in California, Castro in San Francisco) when people start realizing that gays make this country work just like non-gays, and that without us some of the wheels just won't turn as well, then change will come.
And to the United States Federal Government: gays and lesbians should fight all the way up to the Supreme court over taxation. Why on Earth should we be forced to pay federal taxes when we have generals calling us immoral, a president pushing for a Federal amendment to outlaw our union, no federal protection from states that ban our rights, DOMA, the Federal Defense of Marriage Act...no, if the US of A doesn't want to treat us like citizens, then why should we have to pay them like ones? There's a valid class action suit just waiting to happen.
The fact is we have tried it their way, and what do we get? We get to die along side others in Iraq and have a general call us immoral. We get to serve in silence and have a president try to outlaw our unions for good. We get to help economies grow, only to have members of those states try and legislate against us. We get to be called children of God, but only as sinners that need redemption. No, it's time we stop feeding the beasts that betray us and reward the ones that don't.
Yes, I'm talking Exodus. Worked for the jews in some ways. Leave states that treat you less than human. Leave businesses that don't offer you and your partner benefits. Leave churches that don't love you as you are.
We are not a mistake, we are not immoral, we are not second class citizens and we are not going away. It is not us that are broken, but those that think we are in some way less than them because of whom nature made us love. We are Americans, and to call us anything less is immoral. We are citizens, and to treat us any differently is immoral. We are friends and neighbors and deny it any longer is immoral. We are family, and it refuse it and try and stop us from forming our own is immoral.
Yes, there's a lot of immorality when it comes to gays and lesbians, and most it from the non-gays who call themselves moral. So don't just sit there, do something. Move, leave, get out, announce you're gay, whatever it takes. There are MILLIONS of us in the United States alone. Millions. Trust me, we'd be missed. If all else fails, Canada would love us.
Oh, but then the bigots win. No, you've got it backwards. If a country ever existed without gays and lesbians, it would lose. It would lose so many things that make a country unique, so many great artists, writers, scientists, politicians and yes General, generals. The fact is we are woven in to every societal fabric around the globe, and to remove us eventually would unravel the entire thing. Stop acting powerless.
And as for General Pace, hun, you've got bigger problems. Invading a sovereign nation, deposing its ruler, dealing with companies with no allegiance like Halliburton, taking orders from a wanna-be dictator and covering up years of military incompetence on a leadership standpoint...well, that's immoral. Clean up your own house before you start looking in to ours.