anton and kevin invited me to watch their basketball game tomorrow at 4pm at the hs gym.
just my luck. i've got stat class at 5pm. argh.
i hope they win.
ms. fides abad invited me to participate in the first
xavier exemplary alumni awards ceremony (or something like that). the role she offered was that of a supporting one: trophy girl. lol. being trophy girl meant handing the trophies from backstage (or wherever the trophies would be placed) to the presenter or to the awardee. kinda like those ladies you see on stage during awards ceremonies such as the oscars or the grammys.
too bad. i had to refuse the offer not because i disliked the job, but because mom had already made plans for this coming weekend. again. lol. my relatives from america are still here, and mom would like to spend as much time as possible with them, so she planned a trip to either subic or punta fuego.
whee! road trip again! more importantly, BEACH again! haha! :D