Oct 13, 2005 18:53

Ugh, you know you had a bad day when you get in a total bitchfight with a cheerleader on your team.

Ami and I are not in good terms right now. She is being a total spaz. She won't agree to anything I say and critisizes whatever idea I have. NOT COOL, AMI. I WAS CHOSEN AS TEAM CAPITAN FOR A REASON! So, I decided to have a nice little talk with her in the hall. Unexpectedly, she totally flares up and attacks me, pulling my hair and scratching me and whatnot. Well, this was an unpleasent situation! I don't get into very many fights, but this one has left me tired and sore and angry. I now have a couple of scratches on my arms and face. Oh well! :D I can easily cover those with cover up.

But guess who's kicked off the cheerleading team :D

Oh, and if you see Zetsu, tell him that has to pay for damages on the door. Thanks!
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