a contest for you guys

May 03, 2005 10:28

ok i know math isn't your thing out there, but im making a math problem contest to answer a math problem that actually stumpped me. the prize of this contest is for 20 dollars. The rules:
  1. You must give me the correct answer (duh).
  2. Provide work and explination for each step on how you finished the problem.
  3. You cannot get help from a professor or a teacher, or if you are a teacher then you are not elegable for this contest.
  4. First to answer the question wins the prize.
  5. To be elegable you must be on my friends list. If your unsure if your on my friends list look at My profile to see if your on there.

The Problem

you are flying a kite at 100 feet up (constant). you have let out 250 ft (so far) of string. the kite is moving away from you at 4 ft a second. what it the rate of change of the angle of the string to the ground when the kite is 1000 ft away.

If the answer and work include diagrams and symbles not supported by lj then send me the answer at morrhammed147@yahoo.com. i will compair times to see who sent me what first.
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