WowzerZs I finnaly found out to to do this special font thing on it it really ko0l I like it =) well ne ways havent wrote in this a lil while well yea lets see wat happened u will not hear me talkin bout me wanting a GREY DICKIE SUIT KUZ I finally!! GOT ONE SO YEA BUT NOW IDK WAT TO GET BUT NE WAYZ…… WELL NOW IAM GETTING AN n-Gage form my friend form my class named Brittany so she gonna give it to me and I gott give her money and show her how to do sumtin well yea its ko0l it’s a fone and a game thingy but well ne wayz speakin bout fone I got my fone back from my parents so u ppl hit up my celli K
{(617)}[921-6516] well ne wayz iam tired idk how kuz I just woke up but hey well iam gonna do this l8ter so tha pic is a pic of my fone slash// Game thingy………