Aug 12, 2006 10:36
hey people. i know that i said that i'd explain my trip home at some point so i guess it might as well be now. i'm not going to get into detail because that would just make me mad. suffice it to say that my cousin is completely insane and there's nt really anything i can do to help her. before i was able to talk her down for the ledges of irrationality but now either i'm not as effective in her eyes or i just don't have the desire to help as aggressively as i have in the past. so now she's a lesbian and she's moved to arlington with three of her five kids and left two in houston with her mother. i guess she's living with her lover in arlington. obviously i don't have a problem with her new found homosexuality, but to just up and move to arlington where she has no family and no support system seems dangerous and stupid to me. but whatever i have my own problems to deal with.
if you look back a few entries you can get a refresher course on the tickets i got when i was in san antonio over the hurricane break. so the day before i leave for home, i get a letter from the courthouse saying that they're issuing a warant for my arrest. oh nice. so i get to go to the courthouse and spend the majority of the day there trying to understand and resolve this little matter. it turns out that i apparently signed a form saying that i would return in may to prove that i had not violated my insurance probation. i didn't and so they convicted me like i had violated my probation and now i owe them $213 dolars in fines and it's on my record. "are you ready to pay this today?," was the question the court clerk asked. "Noooo!" was the maybe overly irritate reply. so hours later i'm talking to the judge who convicted me on the advice of the judge from earlier and she tells me that she can't reopen my case and accept my proof of insurance because it's out of her jurisdiction. what? how is a ticket out of the convicting judges jurisdiction, it didn't flee the country. secondly, why would the first judge have sent me to find the new judge if she couldn't help me. i hate the courthouse.
so that was pretty much my vacation, babysitting my cousin's kids because she didn't come back from arlington when she said she would, dealing with the courthouse and not hanging out with my friends. on a positive not ei got to see my mom and grandmother and that was cool, even seeing nick wasn't as irritating as usual. maybe he's finally growing up but we'll see about that one. my mom bought nick and i entire outfits of clothes, shoes included so that was fun. and i bought myself two cds. ok you heard it here first folks Gym Class Heroes, is getting ready to tip, they're going to be huge! and i liked them before everyone else, so there. i can't wait to move out of this apartment. until the next time kids.