Paradisa Application

May 03, 2010 17:44

JOURNAL: prof_ryoki
AIM: luthienabler
WIKI NAME: prof_ryoki
CHARACTERS: Ukitake Jyuushiro, Tres Iqus, Lilith Sahl, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

CHARACTER NAME: René Tamaki Richard de Grandtaine, but better known as Tamaki Suoh
FANDOM: Ouran High School Host Club
CANON: Straight after adopting Antoinette the dog in the episode 'Kyouya's Reluctant Day Out'
WHAT THEY LOST: Beary... his stuffed teddy bear.

PERSONALITY: On the surface Tamaki appears to be a very simple character, interested only in the frivolous and entertaining pretty girls, but there is a depth that shows through every so often. He was born in France as an illegitimate love child of the rich and powerful Suoh family of Japan, but brought up with his ailing mother. Knowing her weak health, he preferred to stay home and play the piano as it brought her joy, instead of making other friends of his own age - as a consequence, he actually led quite a sheltered childhood, without the friends and games he might have had otherwise.

His mother’s failing health prompted a visit by his scheming grandmother, who offered her the money she needed for treatment in exchange for Tamaki coming to live in Japan and forgoing contact with her. It broke Tamaki’s heart, but desperately wanting to know his mother was well, he complied. Strangely, he seems to bear his grandmother no ill will, and is always unfailingly polite and gentle to her in an attempt to be accepted properly in the family.

He’s very immature in a lot of ways, emotionally unable to understand growing feelings of romantic affection for Haruhi, preferring to believe he loves her in a fatherly manner. He’s prone to mood swings between childish exuberance and utter desolation which leads him to retreat to his 'corner of woe' and emo to himself. Fascinated by all things ‘common’ such as instant coffee, he is often sent into spasms of delight by such simple things as a continental market.

The founder of the infamous Host Club - whose self-proclaimed duty is to provide pleasure and delight to the super-rich ladies of Ouran Academy - he treats every girl as though she is a princess, using natural charm and his exceptional good looks to make them weak at the knees. Despite this seemingly shallow behaviour, he really does care about making those around him happy, and will often go out of his way to help solve issues the other host club members deem unworthy of their time.

Genuinely affectionate with a good heart, his friends at the host club are the most important people in his life, a small secular family he rules over as the ‘Daddy’ while making the far more serious Kyouya, his best friend since middle school, the ‘Mommy’.

THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: The sun was shining marking a beautiful May day, sparkling off the private lake in the fore-court of the famous Ouran Academy. White clouds scudded across a sky almost the exact shade of blue to match one Suoh Tamaki’s eyes; eyes that were at this moment dancing with barely suppressed joy. Standing at the window of Music Room #3 he blew into his hands and watched the crystalline cloud of his breath make condensation form on the pane and obscure his view of the colourfully clad girls sunbathing below.

For the host club had today been turned into a winter wonderland, seven air conditioners blowing full blast through the room that had been coated in snow flown in from Alaska and artfully placed icicles sent prisms of light dancing off angelic blonde hair.

It was all Tamaki’s plan, and a rather unpopular one at that, the twins had snorted asking who would want to freeze themselves silly when summer’s glory was right outside and they could be having one of their wildly successful beach-themed days instead. It had taken a whole week of puppy dog eyes, pouting and the occasional disappearance to the corner to make a hamster nest to convince them. His traitorous host club, they were supposed to listen to him right away - wasn’t he their faithful leader?!

He welled up again just remembering Haruhi’s blank-faced indifference to the plan, but pushed it to one side with a heroic effort. It didn’t matter now, the winter wonderland was complete and the club was dressed to perfection in fur-lined outfits designed by the Hitachiin twins’ mother. The doors opened and the perfect prince was there with his arms open wide to greet his princesses once more.

“Welcome to the Host Club~”

FIRST-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: [Stretching under the covers of his bed, the first clue Tamaki had he wasn't in his own room was the sheets - these were not the silken hand-woven sheets he usually slept in. The second clue was the room itself, he was relatively certain his room was not a stone clad affair.

Padding over to the window in his bear-patterned pajamas, he rubbed a hand sleepily through tousled blonde hair and looked out of the window.

A castle... A CASTLE!

This must be some new event for the host club organised by Kyouya, oh joy! Oh, rapture! Immediately his brain danced to happy thoughts of Haruhi in the cutest ye-olde-style damsel outfit waiting in the tallest tower for her knight to save her. Swooning into his arms as he defeated the dreaded guard trolls who looked suspiciously like those devil twins she cooed at him: "Oh senpai, I love-love you~"

Beaming all over his face, he flung open the door and gestured dramatically.]

Fear not, Haruhi, I will save you!

paradisa, application

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