(no subject)

Jul 01, 2011 12:27


Everyone wakes up and the castle looks a little different. It's still a castle but it's more like a five-star luxury hotel resort castle now. There's only top-quality food in the kitchens and everyone's clothes are individually tailored to fit using only the best materials. Speaking of clothes, all girls will have [insert ouran girl uniform] and all boys will have [insert ouran boy uniform].

The townsfolk seem to be setting up for something big, spaces are being cleared and shops are being festively decorated. Wishing for other clothes or 'commoner's' food will fail.


Some castle residents [require 4-5 volunteers] will believe they are members of a newspaper club, and the biggest story of the decade is the Anniversary Host Club happening on Sunday. They will be attempting to interview everyone from the hosts to the potential guests, stirring up hype.

Banana skins will randomly appear at certain points in the day, when it would be most awkward for a character to slip over. These can happen to anyone, at your own discretion, so go wild.

All the women in the town will start to mob any host member who leaves the castle, following them around in a screaming group of hysterics. Anything said or done will result in cries of MOE and fainting.


The newspaper crew will again be stalking anyone and everyone, snapping pictures and bothering people for interviews.

The town is now fully prepared. There are four themed areas based on host clubs of the last year:
-- Feudal Japan; this will be overseen by Hunny and have events such as calligraphy and samurai sword fighting.
-- Mermaids; this will be by the lake and overseen by Haruhi (mainly because Tamaki wants to see her in a shell bra) and will include a tropical rapids river and a sandcastle building contest (because somehow the lake is warm and beach like now)
-- Jail; this will be run by Kasanoda and will include games like test of strength (by arm wrestling or chin ups in the 'exercise yard')
-- Cowboys; this will be overseen by Kyouya and will include games like lassoing, as well as pony rides.

As evening comes, the outside of the castle has been arranged into huge dining tables with a seven course meal and the host king himself in residence. Lights are strung everywhere and a band will provide music to dance to in the ball that marks the highlight of the evening.

On the stroke of midnight on Sunday, everything will go back to how it should be.
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