Jul 12, 2012 23:23
sitting here in the dark on my couch , with pillows under my lower back because this is where i've been all week, nursing my back injury, trying to not go completely stir crazy. i hurt in ways i've never hurt before. this sucks. there's no real clever way to talk about it, it just hurts and it sucks. and the added stress of workers comp is going to make me go postal before it's over with. okay, rewind a few weeks when i was trying to get an appointment with a specialist because finally the work clinic doctor that i had been seeing finally decided he couldn't help me because all the stuff he'd tried was doing nothing. i'm not getting better and he was out of ideas, apparently. whatever. so they had to make a referral to the workers comp office and then wait for a list of doctors to come back so i could pick where i wanted to be seen. after like three weeks they finally send a list of doctors that are all like four hours away. fml. so they i had to wait a few more days to get a new list. on that friday, my workers comp rep calls and says "hey, just wanted to let you know i'm in the process of getting this appointment set up, i'll call you back in a couple of hours to let you know when it is" okay, great. except for like 5 hours later i call her back and she's gone for the weekend. hmmmm.
monday she calls back and gives me the details, for some reason it's going to be in murfreesboro, instead of nashville, like an hour away... even though the whole reason i picked this doctor off the list is because he was supposed to be located in nashville. but i thought it's probably goin to take another week if i tell them to change it now, so i just drove out there. i got three shots in my lower back which have done NOTHING , and the dr changed my restrictions , which in turn made my bosses decide they have no work for me to do within those restrictions. so now i have to sit at home and wait for something to improve enough for the restrictions to be lifted. workers comp should pay me after 2 weeks of this downtime, and i was instructed by my HR person where i work to contact them and let them know the situation. talked to her monday morning, she said she'd talk to the payout dept. and get back to me "in a few minutes" and that's the last i've heard from anyone there. i called her several times that day and the next and the next and the next, left several messages (with an understandable amount of increasing agitation) and nothing. even called the main office and got her supervisors extension, left HER several messages..and nothing. are you f'ing kidding me? what a joke. if i don't get one of them on the phone tomorrow, i'm driving out there. wherever it is. probably florida or jersey. everything bad happens in one of those states. i'm sure of that much. florida and jersey are somehow linked by hell itself. yep. and the jersey turnpike is in fact the highway to hell. just sayin'. *twitch* my back hurts.