R.I.P. Miss Mo

Nov 10, 2011 18:44

My little girl Mo passed away today in my arms. She was a gift from my evil ex back in June of 1994. She was 17 1/2 and she was a bitch right up to the end. Never in my life have I had a pet live so long, I think it was her surly nature that kept her going. She was a bedroom kitty up until this past spring when her arthritis was keeping her from being able to jump on the bed to sleep in the crook of my arm. For so many years it was Boo, my golden retriever sleeping on my feet and Mo sleeping on my back, both of them keeping me warm. When I had to have Boo put to sleep, Mo went into mourning for months. They were about 2 months apart in age, and they had grown up together and Boo was always so gentle with Mo, that Mo would dance figure eights around Boo's paws. They were BFFs, and I know that Mo is dancing around Boo's paws again. I can't believe I am having a "Beaches" moment, I'm like Barbara Hershey digging desperately through a box of pictures, just looking for that one certain picture, and I can't find it. The harder I look, the more I can't find it, and it's just maddening. When Rich and I were first dating, Rich would pose with Miss Mo and take pictures of them together to surprise me with when I got home. There is this one perfect picture of Rich and Mo laying together on the edge of the bed. I made it my screen saver on my old computer, and now I can't find that picture. It's breaking my heart even more.

We knew that Mo wasn't doing very well for the past few months, and it had gotten to the point where, when I would get up in the morning, if she didn't meet me in the bathroom, that I would come back to the study and check to make sure that she was still breathing. Every additional day was just gravy. This morning when I was getting ready for work, she was sitting on the bathroom floor outside of the shower, and when I was drying my beard, there was water dripping on her (it's a game we played, she would give me the most surly look, like she was saying "daddy...you're pissing me off!") this morning however she didn't even notice. Before I left for work, I was scratching her ears and chin, and I felt her soft purr. Ruby and I left for work. It's been such a hard past few months for this household in general, but today was just the shittiest from the time I got up. I won't get into that, but I was at the bank for an hour dealing with a BofA fuckup and when I got back to the store, I found out that Rich had been calling and texting me, to call him back immediately. He just told me that I had to come home RIGHT NOW! I knew in my heart what was going on. I packed up Ruby, kicked everybody out of the store and race walked home.

Mo had held on long enough to be with her daddy. We said our goodbyes, I told her that she was free to go, that Boo was waiting for her. Rich got the Zipcar so we could take her to the SPCA, but she passed away in my lap on the way. I'm going to miss you my feline angel. Rest In Peace and know how much you were loved....


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