Jul 30, 2011 16:43
I cannot say just how fucking pissed off I am at the state of politics in this country!!!! This whole debt ceiling bullshit has just been pushed way too far. Boner and his thugs the Tea Partiers want everything their way and are not willing to compromise on jack. The conserviturds are saying that they want all sorts of cuts in spending but absolutely no increase in revenues. So huge conglomerates like the oil companies and the bankers (and the airlines too with the bullshit games they are playing!) get to walk away with billions of dollars in profits and not have to pay a penny in taxes. But this is for the repuglicans belief in "trickle down economics". OK, so if you lower taxes, business will hire more people, right? Well then how come when Bush Jr. took office and lowered all the taxes, why the hell didn't we see a big boom in hiring??? Obama extended those tax cuts, they have been in effect for over 10 years! Could it be because the corporations make billions of dollars in profits and then they don't reinvest, they only give the money to shareholders as dividends? And who owns stocks?? The wealthy. And then we have laws about no taxes on Capital Gains and other passive revenues that are not worked for, the only income taxed, is what you actually work for (over generalization, I know, but passive taxes are taxed at nothing or a much lower rate than actual earned income from actually working for the money).
There is something criminally wrong, when I see repeatedly, numerous Right Nutters on the news saying things like: "My main goal in this Congress, is to guarantee that Obama is a one term President." That's not an exact quote, it's an amalgamation of the general ideas. If your Agenda is to cripple the greatest nation in the world for your gain politically, that is an act of treason and you should be treated as such. To me, that makes you a terrorist and you know what that means! Yup! A nice long vacation at Guantonamo Bay.
The tea party sprung up within 3 weeks of Obama becoming president, they say it wasn't because of Obama that they were formed, it was because of lack of fiscal responsibility in the USA. Why weren't all those idiots out protesting Bush & Cronies for driving this nation to the brink of destruction? How many fucking jobs were lost and outsourced during the Bush Regime? But somehow a black man becomes president and he was supposed to wave a magic wand and fix everything the previous administration had mangled, in the blink of an eye!! If you look at footage of all the Tea Baggers, they are, another generalization, OLD WHITE PEOPLE! They are all for a Balanced Budget Ammendment and lower taxes, but they will NEVER give up their Social Security or Medicaid benefits! They want to have their cake and eat it too. Pay NO taxes but get a monthly check and benefits. I don't see how anybody in their right mind can vote somebody into power that is going to impact themselves negatively.
Anybody who knows me, knows that I pretty much think Obama and the Demoslugs are just tools. They are spineless and won't stand up to the Repuglithugs bullying. The past mid-term elections showed that. No matter how many lies the GOP/Fox idiots shouted, the Dems just sat back and said nothing. Now we have the Republiturds trying to stop the raising of the Debt Ceiling. During the past 10 years, the ceiling has been raised 16 times. 16 TIMES!!! So how many of those raises were during the Bush years??? Or did Obama magically raise it those 16 times in the past 2 1/2 years he's been in office? Why weren't those assholes out there taking to the streets then??? Why hasn't Obama, Pelosi, Reid or any bigwig Demo made news conferences telling the facts? Why are the Dems mute about everything?
I was just watching CNN and they were talking about the budget impass. I had NO idea that the Pentagon's annual budget is $800,000,000,000 a year!!!!!!! That is $800 BILLION! Obama wants to cut their budget $400 billion over the next 12 years. I figured that out, it is a cut of $33.3 billion a year, just a drop in the bucket. The war machines like Halliburton & Boeing can rape the government (actually the US citizens) by overcharging exorbitant amounts and then profit and ship money offshore and not pay taxes so that the people they have taken jobs away from won't receive unemployment benefits, or welfare, or foodstamps, or anything. It is truly insane.
I have kept silent about my biggest problem with the Tea Baggers. The entire time that they were pushing their agenda and travelling the talkshow, news-show circuits was on this main premise, "We are ONLY about fiscal problems, NOT social issues"! That was their mantra. Over & over again, whenever asked about ANY social issues, their reply was that they had no opinions on them, they were strictly formed only for fiscal responsibility. Then a number of them got into positions of power. My, how things changed.
All of a sudden, the Tea Baggers were pushing for state ammendments banning gay marriage and gay adoption. Pushing the whole end abortions and wanting to take us back to the values of the 1950's. Too bad those Leave It To Beaver moments weren't real life. The Tea Baggers knew all along what there true agenda was, but they crafted their image and then once they made it big, it became time to show their true colors. They are just an even tighter version of the Christian Evanhellists, wanting to dictate their morals on the state of the nation.
I am neither a Dem nor a Rep. I am all for human rights and a better world. Call me a socialist, but yes, I think we should help take care of ALL the people in our country. I think healthcare should be a right. If people could only think longterm instead of immediate fix, if somebody could see a doctor at the first sign of being ill, think of how much money would be saved instead of paying for them to be hospitalized and emergency room care given? How much money would be saved on labor if people had sick pay and could take a couple days off to get better rather than HAVE TO go to work (because they are poor and can't afford to miss work) and infect other people who then domino effect lose work time. Education is a right, once again, long term thinking... invest in America, when people are educated they make more money, so they pay more taxes, they also spend more money so that creates more jobs.
Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have it right when they have both donated how many billions upon billions of dollars to help those less fortunate. What does anybody need a personal bank account with one hundred billion dollars or more??? Both of those men believe that it is the right thing to do, and it seems to me that all those Tea Baggers and Repuglicans that want to pass laws ensuring that our nation remains "Christian" would be wise to follow Christ's example (disclaimer: I am an atheist). Do they honestly believe that HE would have done what they are currently doing? Can they honestly look in their hearts and truly believe that the crimes against humanity they are preaching are what HE would want them to do?
It's time to completely overhaul congress and the political machines that are in control of this country.
Odin bless America!
tea baggers,