Good Bye 2012 - Hello 2013

Jan 01, 2013 01:26

2012 is the year that we saw the end of a Legend, The USS Enterprise CVN-65 was Inactivated on December 1, and once again a Socialist Marxist that is hell bent on Destroying America was reelected by the uneducated idiots of the liberal left. 2012 also saw the US Democrat held Senate not passing a Budget, something they have not done in over 3 and a half years. Even when Obama held both the House and the Senate during his first two years in Office, they could not pass a budget. Maybe 2013 will see Obama Impeached, or just removed from office since his Hawaiian Birth Certificate has been proven to be forged and the Kenyan Government has declared that he was born in Kenya. Not to mention that he was an accomplice in the Murder of four brave Americans.

May GOD have mercy on our Republic in 2013.
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