Mar 31, 2004 21:01
alright so jenna's sweet 16 was soooooooo much fun!!! i met like 16 trillion people and remember none of like 3 names and dont know who belongs to those names. but it's all good i had alot of fun!!
-i have a new project called twofer. thanks to hudak who called me n told me to come up to the barn cuz i wasnt gonna go up saturday. i love that girl i really do =)
-school is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring. i fell asleep in geomatry and history today. im afraid for report cards to come out. i think im getting a D in spanish =/
-you'll all be happy to know me, jess, and jenna passed our life guarding tests!!!!! we're now officially lifeguards. i can give CPR and do emergency child birth!!!!!!!
-i have a new thing with stealing things from people. i always have steve reis' keys now and zach's studded braclet and brian's braclets and a large collection of other people's keys throughout hte day. but keys are getting boring cuz i have to give them back at the end of the day for poeple to get back in their houses scared shitless right now cuz i have to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. yea i get a 4 day weekend but i have a whole buncha pain that goes with that. i hate going under anesthesia it makes me so nervous and i dont wanna have to go through all that swelling and bruising and shit.
-my dad made me bring all the books i would need to do homework in over hte weekend and get my homework off edgate. my backpack weighed like 35 pounds!!!!!!! i couldnt pick it up. thanks oz and aric for helping me truck it around the school and to the chief's truck. i love u guys!!
alright guys im out ... wish me luck with tomorrow!!!!!