Some people just don't think.

Sep 26, 2005 10:08

For those who don't know I drive for a limo service. It's a super cake job, except for all the crazy hours i tend to work. Yesterday we had a big problem, because the boss when changing tires in the driveway never put back the lug wrenches or the jacks for any of the 30 foot limos. Why wouldn't you put them back i wonder, then realize he just does stuff like that. Well serves him right, someone got a flat tire last night and the passengers where in the car. Ha. Of course i was the one who had to go across the state to drop the wrench off, because I'm lucky like that.

But its ok, all that driving made up for my day on saturday. The local college hired us for a nine hour shuttle service, going to three stops in middletown. Total the loop may have been .35 miles or so i would imagine. Cake work at its best i thought, except that they wanted us to spend 3 minutes at each stop and move on. The day was mind-numbing to say the least. I had a total of FIVE people get in and out of the van, in nine hours. At the end of the nine hours i had gone seventy eight miles around this loop. But its ok because they paid my company silly amounts of money for the job. I'm glad they spend all those student's money so wisely.
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