Lazin' on a sunny afternoon

Jun 14, 2008 11:05

In the average year I work about 40 Saturday mornings. I'm in at 7am, out in the early afternoon and then off for what is a shortened weekend.  I've been working a six day per week schedule for 29 years. It's the nature of this business I started working in on June 13, 1979.  I've been thinking about this "working my life away" feeling I sometimes have because I have so little time off.  Monday through Friday 7am - 5:30pm (or later)  plus Saturday morning leaves little spare time when you have a household to maintain.

Today is one of those precious Saturday's off.  I manipulated my work load during the week, made fewer promises and worked a few extra hours M-F to make it possible. Having two days off feels like a long weekend to me.  So far I've accomplished little except sleep late, watch a little cable news, eat some raw almonds and now I'm writing about doing nothing on my extra free time. This morning I'm even too lazy to make a pot of coffee. I might run to Starbucks.......or maybe not.

I'll snap out of this in a moment. I have things to do, disassemble my grill for cleaning, some light yardwork, change the filters in my reverse osmosis water system, grocery shopping and some dealings with dirty pigeons. The winged rodents are making a mess of my roof.  I'm not really sure what to do about them but I must rid my overhangs of these flying pests whose cooing outside my bedroom window taunts me every morning . I think I'll fuck up their day by cleaning their debris with a garden hose, inspecting the situation closer and making a decision. Bird spikes may be the answer.

One of the problems with working six days is there's only one day available for household chores and errands.  I get those done every Sunday and have litte time to relax.  I suppose I'll have plenty of time for rest after I die. Until then, I better get off my ass and get some work done.  The high temp will be 108 later today.  I might want to get that outdoor work done while it's only 100.

To be honest, I feel lke saying 'screw it' and doing something non-productive or even fun on my rare Saturday off.  Since tomorrow is Father's Day and I have company coming over that's not an option. Maybe later I'll steal a couple of hours for doing nothing.

life, home

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