Just Wing It.

Apr 16, 2009 12:26

It might suck in next weeks paycheck, but today it's sweet. I'll be out of here in a few hours, off for a long weekend. I have few plans and plenty of time do nothing, or whatever I want. Me time!

Now for my dilemma, what am I to do for the next three days? What to do. What to do.

I'll probably take Mikey to Butt Sniff Park. If not, I might take him hiking. I would stop to buy him some doggie hiking shoes. Petco probably has them. Have you ever seen them? They're very funny looking, but the rocky canyons I hike in the Superstition Wilderness would tear up his feet. The other dogs might make fun of his booties but his paws won't be bleeding. It's a trade-off.

I might shop for a couple of twill work shirts, you know those shirts that have name patches on the breast? Your mechanic probably wears one. I bought one last week with 'Jerk' on the patch. I'm wearing it as I type. I also bought a 'retard' patch but I need a shirt to put it on. There are a few other politically incorrect name patches I'm interested in. I embrace being un-PC.

I could wash my Jeep. But you know this crazy Arizona weather, It might rain in the next few months. I probably shouldn't risk wasting my precious time washing my vehicle.

I should definitely spend some time on the pool. The water temp is not in the swim zone yet but it's getting close. I have to keep it clean. A windy Tuesday made a mess. I have way too many bushes in my backyard. I get leaves and flower buds in the pool every time the wind blows.

Speaking of the yard, I should do a little yard work. I bought a leaf blower and hedge trimmer last month. I'm looking for a used mower on Craigslist. I have time to do my own yard. The Mexicans I hired over the past few years got too expensive. They started charging too many pesos for a relatively easy job. I suppose I should trim and blow leaves before I clean the pool.

I definitely see some R&R over the next few days. I have chores but I'll squeeze in some spudly relaxation, maybe watch a movie, hold the couch down for a few hours. I Netflixed Slumdog Millionaire. I recently bought Man On The Moon but have yet to watch it. Jim Carrey is great in that movie as Andy Kauffman.

I can walk around in my underwear for a few days. Freedom.

Stopping at band practice tomorrow afternoon is an option. I enjoying hanging out with Mayor Bob and his staff of Bohemians. I could visit the pub for happy hour.

I suppose I should do some more work on the garage-cleaning-garage-sale-prep project. We have some old paint, anti-freeze and chemicals I need to gather up for proper disposal with the city. Good times.

Cold Shott & The Hurricane Horns are playing near home Saturday evening. They're a good R&B/blues cover band. Cheryl said something about visiting her friends that night. That's her deal to work out. If we don't, we can take in a couple of hours of good music.

I have options. I'm flexible. I'm gonna wing-it this weekend and enjoy my very rare 3-day weekend. No muss, no fuss, no stress.


workplace, dogs, social life

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