Mar 15, 2017 23:50
I believe every citizen in this nation should be against the Muslim ban based on basic American values, our belief in religious freedom and our tradition of taking the huddled masses. It appears a national sense of humanity is no longer an American tradition. Xenophobia, racism, fear. suspicion and anger rule the day. It breaks my heart to see our nation under this regime.
If this ban were about security from Muslim terrorists Saudi Arabia should be the #1 target. Why? Because 15 Saudis flew planes on 911, also an Egyptian, Lebanese and two terrorists from United Arab Emirates. Nineteen men account for 2996 deaths on our soil and over 6000 injured ... but their homelands are not included on the list of banned countries.
This is not about security.
Citizens of and travelers passing through the six nations in the ban, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Iran, Sudan and Yemen ... account for zero deaths in terrorist attacks. A Somali did drive his car into a crowd in Columbus, OH. There were injuries but no deaths.
In 1993 Kuwaiti national Ramzi Yousef planned the World Trade Center Bombing. The bomb went off, lots of damage. six dead and 1042 injured. His terrorist cohorts were from Pakistan, Egypt, two from Palestine and an Iraqi American from Indiana. Kuwait, Pakistan and Palestine are not in the ban.
The San Bernardino shootings claimed 16 and injured 24. The shooters were Pakistani American citizens, one born here and one in Pakistan.
This is not about security.
I'm against the ban for humanitarian reasons. I need no other justufication to oppose this hate directive but there are other reasons, like giving ISIS and al queda recruiting tools, the damage it does to international relations and our moral stature in the world ... whatever morality we had in the bank ... is lost.
This is about maintaining dubious business and politcal relations with some of the Muslim world while attempting to look tough on terrorism. Trump has serious business partnerships and investments in Arabian nations. They build big buildings in Dubai, luxury towers, hotels and resorts. Saudi Arabia is not just business, the royal family is an important regional ally. We look the other way at their human right's violations and they sell us oil, military bases and influence in the region.
Trump has zero business ties in the six banned nations.
The toll of islamic terror in the 2 WTC attacks and San Bernardino is 3018 dead. The toll in terrorist attacks on our soil from the six banned nations is zero deaths.
3018 - 0
Over 7000 were injured in the two WTC attacks.
This is not about security on our soil.
I don't support a ban on any nation, not even the list of nations involed in the WTC attacks. I don't hold the crimes of the few against the masses. Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims, Americans have their share.
At the same time Trump is hiring more Customs and Border Patrol he's cutting funding for TSA and US Coast Guard. Security at our points of entry is facing major budget cuts. It's good thing drug smugglers never use boats or planes.
Of course this all ties in neatly to the wall. It seems the only border Trump wants to secure is the Mexican kind. Much of the money being slashed at our ports is being diverted to the desert. It's going to get real busy down here.
A lot of money will be made building the GOP monument to racism, many companies will be super busy for years to come. I hope some intrepid reporters are looking closely at ownership, partners and share holders in these companies. Corruption and construction go hand in hand. Government contracts are a big prize.
The ban and the wall are about money and making the deploarable racist faction of the right wing happy. They may not have a job in coal but at least they can sleep at night knowing a Mexican won't steal the job he doesn't have and a terrorist won't bomb West Virginia. These hateful acts will keep the Trump voters eye off the ball. They'll still be poor and miserable with no health insurance ... but no Muslims. 'Merica!
up all night