Feb 26, 2017 03:03
The problem with the creative streak mj gives me is the hyper-active nature of the energy. Great, I'm blogging again and using words to express the tough times we're in ... but if I can say something in 25 words, I'll probably take 50 or 100. My last few blog posts were wordy as fuck. I have to trim that down a bit, maybe stay on one topic instead of weaving two or three.
That's where twitter is a valuable tool. I once said I'd never join twitter, then I did. I didn't like it so much because 140 characters is barely a "hey, how are you doin?" for me. I measure in paragraphs, twitter measures key strokes. I've been on and off twitter but since the election I've been on it, checking in daily and tweeting.
Facebook is the middle ground. You can't really blog there, but I try to do more than check-ins from restaurants and sharing stuff others are sharing because someone they know shared it first. I typically don't share on FB. I write my own words and thoughts based on the things I've read, watched, experienced and thought about before putting fingers to keyboard.
I missed blogging. I'm glad to be writing again but I hate that it took cancer and Trump to jump start Primatology. Why is it always suffering that makes us open up? I'll try to make future offerings less wordy, maybe more upbeat, mini happy blogs even.
I've criticized twitter for being shallow because it's uber concise, but in this day and age of soundbites and going viral it's become a valuable tool for connecting people, ideas and rallying the masses. 90% of tweets are shallow and useless to but the other 10% ... powerful. You just have to not follow the wrong people. Don't overwhelm your feed. The same is true with Facebook.
My most recent FB post will be copied and pasted here soon enough. It's a list of misdeeds by our wannabe dictator with the premise of "Imagine the outrage if Obama had .... " I'm proud of the list of miscues and traits I compiled that should make everyone recoil from this man. I plan on adding to the list as the wacky white house provides them.
I'll try to be more on point, pick a position, stay on point and choose my words to precisely to convey a message in the fewest words possible.