Jan 08, 2012 11:41
Friday afternoon we had a memorial for our friend Bob Young at the only place suitable for such an event, Casey Moore's Oyster House, the Irish pub he held court at for 30 years. Dozens of friends and family were present, there were stories about Bob, laughter, tears, and many kind words of admiration and respect for a man we all loved. And we lifted a few pints, and shots, and we dined in his honor.
I did not think I would get through the evening without tears but I managed. As a matter of fact, Friday's remembrance was one of the best days I've experienced in my 9+ years in Arizona. So many of Bob's old people showed up in spite of the fact they had not been in touch for some time. We should all be so lucky to be fondly remembered by so many over decades of life.
After meeting his daughter a week prior to the memorial I started piecing together a timeline of the events and tales he told us over the years. I asked Andrea, and some of his old friends and relatives, specific questions that would put in order (and perspective) the stories of Mayor Bob's life. Some day I will get around to writing about these tales, hopefully with a degree of brevity that often escapes me.
Andrea was kind enough to allow a handful of close friend's the use of Biosphere 33 1/3 .... Bob's greenhouse where we met every Friday at 3pm for band practice prior to happy hour at the pub. We partook in our final BP in honor of our rebelious hippie friend, child of the 60's. His daughter showed us old photos, some from his high school days, his 20's, and her childhood. Bob was with us, his ashes boxed with his trademark straw hat and glasses resting on top.
I heard many new tales-of-Bob this week, stories that only make me miss our friend more.