Vancouver Burns

Jun 16, 2011 12:28

I've been a sports fan since I was six years old (44 years). I've seen my share of hooliganism at stadiums and on television. Every city has low-life citizens who take advantage of any mob scenario to act out, destroy property, fight with police, create chaos in the streets. After last night's Stanley Cup final in Vancouver we saw the worst that city has too offer. The photos below speak for themselves.

I'm happy my hometown team, The Boston Bruins, won their first Stanley Cup in 39 years. While the B's celebrated inside Rogers Arena ....... mayhem owned the streets outside.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson said ......"We have a small number of hooligans on the streets of Vancouver causing problems. It's absolutely disgraceful and shameful and by no means represents the city of Vancouver."  ..... I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, the images suggest otherwise. This was a wide spread riot involving thousands of people acting like thugs ..... or cheering them on.

"This isn't what the Canucks are about," said Chad McMillan, 31, a Vancouver resident and Canucks fan. "This isn't what their fans are about. This isn't what this city is about."  .... Again, I refer to the photos to refute that statement .... and fans might recall the same thing happened in 1994 when the Canucks lost to the Rangers. This is how they roll in Vancouver.

I read a blog today where a Canuck fan said it was not hockey fans flipping cars, starting fires and looting. BULLSHIT. I think these pictures clearly show hockey fans in blue, green and white Canuck attire.

I realize no city is immune to violence, and I know these thugs do not represent the good people of Canada, but it's hard to see Vancouver in a good light with fires burning and people bleeding after a sporting event.

As night fell over the city of 2 million, fires burned in and around the city center. Riot police wielded truncheons, used tear gas, concussion grenades, and marched block after block trying to clear the streets.

There was looting ... because that's what mobs do .... right? Who hasn't smashed a shop window and made off with the goods? .... Hmmmm , ME?....More than 140 were sent to the hospital. four were stabbed, dozens arrested.

Mom and dad will be so proud when they see their boys being rascals.

Meanwhile, back east in Boston, there was no celebratory rioting. Thousands of fans took to the streets, cheering, partying, savoring the hockey victory. The police showed force, in riot gear, just in case trouble broke out. None did. Drunk revelers roamed the streets into the wee hours but there were few arrests.

This morning embarrassed Vancouverites turned up downtown, some wearing hockey jersies, to volunteer for clean up. The lawful citizens will get the last word. I feel badly for the good people of Vancouver, but don't have much respect for their hockey fans.

These crimes happen when teams win championships, but the Canucks LOST. I think the Bruins did that city a favor by beating their sorry hockey team. Can you imagine how bad the rioting would have been had they won?


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