Family Weekend

Jun 11, 2011 11:01

Jeffrey is home from college this weekend. His girlfriend Leanne joined him. We don't see him very often, one week during the holidays and one weekend in summer, so it's nice to spend a little time with him. His mom is a pain-in-the-ass. Jeff divides his time between her place and ours, plus he wants to see friends. She texts me when he's with us wanting information on what he's doing, when he's going back to her place, what were doing for meals, etc. Last night I prepared (grilled) a home cooked meal for everyone, steaks, corn-on-cob, baked spuds and caprese salad. I did not invite mom. We watched the hockey game and I did not care to have her gums bumping the entire game and through dinner.

This was a great week for sports. The Boston Bruins are in the NHL finals, currently trailing 3 games to 2. The hockey has been hard hitting and entertaining. The NBA finals are also 3-2 in favor of the Dallas Mavericks. I have no dog in this fight except for my deep dislike for Lebron James and the Miami Heat. I blogged about him before. Sometimes a fan needs someone to root against when their team is eliminated. It helps to have a likable team (the Mavs) facing the bad guys. Finally, after a horrendous 2-10 start to the season, the Boston Red Sox have taken over first place in their division. They're smoking hot. This week the Sox swept the hated New York Yankees 3 games to 0 in the Bronx for the second time this season. In a few days hockey and basketball will be done. Baseball will be the only game in season.

There will be no sports today. I have some pool and spa maintenance to do and a few chores around the house. I'm taking the family out to dinner but this time I invited mom. I can tolerate dinner with her at a restaurant because we go our separate ways afterwards. After dinner she has the kids for the remainder of the weekend. They're back to UCLA Monday to start summer classes.

I have one college tuition payment remaining. Because he attends summer quarters Jeff will have all his major and minor credits after the fall quarter of his senior year. He'll remain in Los Angeles but have no classes after holiday break. He'll find a job and start working on his grad school plans.

One more payment.

life, sports

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