Atheist Easter

Apr 24, 2011 13:40

The Christians are out in the sun sporting their Easter best. I ventured out in my flip flops, sweat shorts and a plain white tee shirt. I did have a cap on, my Easter bonnet. I had to pick up a few items at the marketplace.

I don't miss going to church. Catholic mass holds memories of squirming 6 year olds, crying babies, hushes, menacing parental glares, and a long winded speech I had no interest in. From my First Communion ceremony through my Confirmation, I wanted to be some place else. But I had no say in the matter.

In regard to religious ritual I sometimes think I can have my cake and eat it to. I won't join a cult, I won't attend mass, I don't feel bound by the moral code of a book..... but I can have a nice Easter dinner with family. Today we're hosting 6 plus us = 9. My ex might pop in with her boyfriend for dessert, she invited herself.

We have a garden of fresh veggies, dip, chips, deviled eggs, and prosciutto wrapped asparagus as appetizers. A pre cooked ham will be heated on the grill. I'm smoking a pair of whole chickens. I just washed the red potatoes for my garlic mashed potatoes.

I may not miss mass but I have fond memories of being dressed up special, shirt, tie, jacket and shiny shoes for family Easter. My mom fussed over our hair, we fidgeted in out stiff clothes. Everyone looked their best. The pomp and circumstance of Catholic holiday mass is a sight to behold. On this day everyone wore hats, not just the Pope.

I don't get the lent thing. Fasting, really? I have food. Fasting is what people without food do, or people with a cause, like Ghandi. Wheh I was a boy mom and dad made me give up something for lent. I would pick sugar beets, baked beans, yellow wax beans, canned spinach or any item mom cooked that I hated. My ruse failed every time. With respect to those who practice such ritual, I find it all very silly.

A better tradition is holiday treats. Cheryl made a pineapple cheesecake last night and we have a naughtily delicious looking chocolate cake from Costco. The hypocrite I am, I will pick and choose my traditions.

Christmas stockings? Yes.

Midnight Mass? No

Christmas tree? No.

Christmas Eve crab legs in butter? Yes

Confession? Hell no.

Lent? Why?

Easter dress up? No.

Easter dinner with famiily? Yes

Presents and treats? Oh yeah.

Easter mass? Nope.

The holiday masses always include a short portion where the priest scolds the Catholics who only come to mass twice per year. After abandoning the tradition of Sunday mass it was the only sermon I heard ... until I gave church up for lent. As it turns out I had no meat on this Good Friday. It was merely a coincidence. I had a hankering for fish and chips and there's a Irish pub in Chandler with nice fish every Friday.

I'm looking forward to having that cake and eating it too. It's a big cake. I think I can do it.

life, food, religion

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