Good Friday

Mar 18, 2011 21:23

I broke out of Monkeytech at 12:20 this afternoon. I slipped out when everyone was having lunch.

If you remember when your kids were young and you took them clothes and shoes shopping you'll know how I felt today.... except my son will turn 26 tomorrow. He needed new sneakers. I shop at Sears.

James should have graduated law school in 2010 and be working in some big city law firm as an ambitious rookie snob from a working class family. That was his plan, on his way to homes in Europe and America, and a ski house somewhere. International law was his plan.

As he slipped through Sears on his flip flops ..... official footware of the mentally ill ..... it dawned on me but for a few misshaped genes he might be shopping for fine suits at Brooks Brothers in Chicago, but instead I'm helping him pick out tennis shoes in Mesa.... 25% off, $38.

The temps skirted 90 today. The sun is very bright this month, as always in Arizona. I jumped on my retro bike for the Pub route, north on College Ave. Left at Apache Blvd. After a visit at Mayor Bob's biosphere 33.3 we moved to the pub, the day after St Patrick's Day, their busiest day fo the year. I was there for leftover corned beef and cabbage, my day-after tradition. There was none. Sold out. WTF?

The best thing about Casey's is not the very cool eclectic bar, the large patio of young people, the oddball decor, the bungalow building, or the great fish .... it's the people, especially pub staff and regulars. The cross section of college and local people mesh at the pub, all generations, from old bohemian neighborhood veterans to students with fake IDs on the patio.

What are the specials tonight?  I had Guinness Beef Stew, and grilled Yellow fin Tuna with a wasabi glaze for dinner with my usual 13 raw oyster appetizer. Cheryl had dry halibut. It happens. By the time we finished dinner it was getting dark, too dark for a four mile semi-urban bike ride after a few pints and a big meal.

I rode my bike back to Bob's only a few small blocks from the pub to borrow a wrench. The retro bike will not fit in Cheryl's CRV with both tires attached. My white walls are too fat, handlebars too wide.

Saturday is spring training baseball here in town at Tempe Diablo Stadium, home of the Angels. It will be a great day in the sun with baseball, hot dogs, beer, ice cream ..... whatever the kid inside us wants. They have cotton candy.

Baseball has been part of my life since I was 6 years old. Every day at the ballpark is reliving my childhood and the years with my boys. My son is here to prove it. With his scorebook and pen. 26 years old.

The vegetable medley at the pub is fabulous.

Today was great day. Tomorrow should be good too. I make the best of each day. Some days I succeed.

friends, life, drinking, food, baseball

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