When I Think Too Much

Jan 30, 2011 14:42

There are moments you realize a person's argument is retarded, based in illogic, and you want to scream. Any person bitching the Obama administration is anti-business, bad for the markets ... and in the same conversation whines about the 700 billion dollar bailout as government waste ... they should be immediately placed in a straightjacket. He was arguing with himself. We had no choice but restrain him.

On Slate.com there's an advice piece about parents who left their delinquent teens with friends of 35 years, a childless couple, while they took a 16 day cruise. Thi$ favor did not go well. The psychology in this tale is off the charts. Friends don't do this to each other. I'm too lazy to give you a link.

Last night I met a 16-year old wolf hybrid dog. I will never consider Mikey a big dog again. Shadow is a magnificient white wolf but unfortunately in his final years.

I'm enthralled with the news of Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan and other nations with people saying "I'm mad as hell and not going to take this anymore." I only hope these governments are not replaced by theocracies. They really can't afford a backwards move. It's easy to rally against a corrupt government but you must always consider the alternative may be worse.

Every time I floss I think of Randy Quaid.

The NBA's Kevin Garnett was smacked on the head during the game requiring a large bandaid to cover his wound. He looks silly. I cannot figure out why we don't make bandages for black people. Seriously. He would look better with a darker bandaid on this head. There must be a company somewhere making bandage products for other races. Johnson & Johnson should in that business.

The worst fucking complainers are the old people in the tea party. When I hear a tea bagger demand tax cuts AND continued funding of social security, medicare, and medicaid I again have the primal urge to scream. Obama is the socialist? Half the tea baggers are my generation and older. They don't want to fund any government socialism unless they know the money is going in their pocket. Cut my taxes but give me my handout.

On LJ we have tags, moods and music to set our blog post tone. There should be a vice category.

There is an over-the-top rudeness at the Asian market. This is no doubt a cultural difference between me and the newer immigrants. We shopped at the Lee Lee Market today. I cannot possibly recount the number of WTF moments I had in our 30+ minute cultural exchange. I love the Asian market but I feel like a visitor from another land. I'm far more polite than the average shopper. ME! We quietly shop in wonder of it all. Today we bought clams, halibut, a frozen duck, canned squid, pot stickers, 400 Pound Monkey IPA and assorted items from the far east.

logic, life, culture

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