Blogging Under the Influence

Jul 06, 2008 00:22

Testing 1-2-3, testing 1-2-3 (a piercing tone accompanies the mechanical voice)  this is a test of the emergency blogging system. If this were an actual emergency you would be instructed where and when to tune in for emergency information. This concludes our test of the emergency blogging system.

My NetGear wireless internet sucks ass. Not good ass either. It sucks the ass of some fat guy who doesn’t wipe very well.  Sorry for the image in your mind at this moment. You can select your own fat guy for that.  HA! Now your thinking of fat men you know. I love the power of the pen. I made you think of something you'd never consider. Shame on you!  I win.

I have Cox Cable internet, very reliable, fast and fed straight to my NetGear router.  From there?  Who the fuck knows?  The internet is not always where I want it to be in my house. Where is it?  Maybe Larry down the street is logged in.  My sons new laptop can't find this network either. The bottom line is, NetGear is not all I hoped it would be. It sucks.

I was in the mood to write about nothing and everything but had no access to LJ or my Hotmail account holding my drafts.  So, I thought using Word 2003 to compose and then pasting to LJ might be a good back up plan. Only if I can get back on line some day. Mayber Larry will log off my network tomorrow and I can use the internet I paid for.

You need back up plans in life. I can honestly tell you that is one of my biggest faults as a man. I always have a plan but I never have a back up plan. I’m very organized, prepared and have thought out most things before I execute the plan.  I’m confident I’m making the right decisions. I then act.

So the first plan doesn’t always work and if you don’t have a back up plan you’re kind of fucked.  If you happen to have a time traveling DeLorean to take you back to correct those bad decisions….it’s all good. That would work for me. Plus you look pretty cool showing up in 1979 in a stainless steel sports car. I love those movies. There’s a great deal of thought, science and philosophy in those films than most people realize. Even Michael J. Fox fans don’t get half the shit I’m referring to.

You can’t do the decisions over so having a back up plan should be part of the first plan.  I wish I realized this 29 years ago when I decided I was too smart for college.

I didn’t have a back up plan in 1979.  I didn’t realize that was a problem.  I knew if there was one thing I knew, at the wise age of 18,  it was no teacher was going to tell me how to think and no military training would tell me not to think.  No offense to military people but taking orders regarding life and death is a problem if you think too much.  I tend to over think just a tad.

Off I went into the life that was ‘mine for the taking’ thinking I know exactly what I should do.  I should get a job in the exciting field of precision manufacturing and engineering where the best of the best look like Elvis Costello without the guitar.  I don’t care how cool you are, when the best in your field wear pocket protectors you have chosen a fucked up field to play on.

Remember this my blogging friends. No matter how good your plan seems, regardless of the forethought put into your path, have a contingency plan just in case you find yourself in the wrong crowd.

I had no back up plan. So, hear I am working with the geeks. The old engineering nerds I work with envy the young geeks working for Best Buy. They’re so cool. By the way, don’t confuse the words nerd and geek as meaning smart. They know about things we don’t but on everything else……we have them nailed.

So, not being a computer nerd and not wanting to call the geek squad to solve my wireless issue I have a back up plan.  Write on Word, paste to LJ and we’ll see if they connect.  I’ll deal with NetGear another day.

Will my back up plan succeed?  My fingers are crossed.

drinking, up all night, internet, writing, technology

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