Nov 11, 2010 12:17
My entire life I've been a staunch believer in freedom of speech and against censorship in any form. In my opinion book burners are Nazis. For the first time I've heard of a book I'd be willing to set torch to.
After weeks of condemnation and pressure from John and Jane Q. Public, has removed a controversial book from their e-Kindle library, The Pedophiles Guide To Love And Pleasure. Prior to disabling the link allowing molestor wannabes to download this diddler's 'how to' guide, Amazon defended their policy of not censoring what books they sell. I would normally stand with the forces of free expression but in this case I must defer to common sense.
The book claims to provide a code of conduct for pedophiles. It contains first hand accounts of sexual conduct between adults and children, from the eyes of adults who were molested as children. I would call this a code of misconduct.
Hey Mr. Creepy Molester, yeah you, in the pirate costume. Your freedom of expression ends where you promote and teach the exploitation of children. We can't scream "FIRE" in a crowded theatre and use our freedom of speech as defense. The line is drawn where the safety, life and liberty of others is violated. I believe the pedophile guide clearly crosses that line.
I'm extremely uncomfortable having the thought of banning the sale of any book. I struggle with the idea but I know the alternative is far worse. My ethics, logic and reason switch to autopilot overriding my deep feelings against censorship.
I don't know if I could adequately express my disgust towards the author or anyone wanting to purchase this book. I'm only slightly shocked a bookseller would offer this trash on a public website, capitalism often crosses ethical boundaries in pursuit of a buck. Shame on Amazon for choosing the wrong side when deciding if they should stand up for thr rights of exploited children or the rights of sexual predators to express themselves. You can't do both. In this case you must choose sides.
I'm happy to say I'm a Barnes & Noble customer.