Writing about nothing and everything

Jul 01, 2008 20:43

I'll write about anything that pops into my mind but my mind has apparently been empty these last few days. Since starting this blog a couple of months ago I've enjoyed the process of having these momentary ideas flash in my brain, thinking it over, jotting down a few notes and then writing. It's a creative outlet I'm learning to use in many ways, whether I post my thoughts or not the process is theraputic. I usually have a few ideas in the works but not this week. Instead of creating I've been looking at other LJ blogs, some freinds, some strangers, to see what other people do with their blogs. Sharpie's railroad post brought memories of my youth, sparked some writing and I milked that idea for three posts. A recent whipped cream post had me thinking and taking notes. For the most part my mind is quiet and so lays the pen.

Some eljayers use their blog like the old fashioned leather bound daily journal. They could open each post with "Dear Diary" and it would fit. One person writes what they ate for breakfast most every day. I clicked away to something else but had the writing style been good even oatmeal and bananas could have been interesting. There are lots of linksters out there who use LJ to post links to the things they find on the interent. These links can be interesting or crap but I'm not much of a web surfer. There's no shortage of politicos, news junkies and social commentators in LJ. That may be the dominent group. Some of my columns fall into that category. I even found one with nothing but fiction with each day a new chapter. The writing was good, the story so-so but I'm not a fan of fiction. I think the real world is far more interesting. Most eljayers do a little of this, a little of that.

I never really thought, "What am I going to do with this blog?"  I just started writing and when there's nothing on my mind pressing against my cranium to escape I write nothing or I write posts like this. There's no pressure to write, no deadlines and thankfully I don't pay the bills with this. I would starve if that was the case. I never thought about people reading this until they started 'friending' me. I suppose it's a good thing since I do put in a fair amount of effort. I would not mind a little creative critique because I'd really like to improve. I have no college degree, my vocabulary is limited and I'm no writer. For me this is about the process, the creativity, the therapy and connecting to other people. My life can be stressful, especially my job, so this is a nice change of pace.

Have you seen the movie Stranger Than Fiction?  The writer, Emma Thompson, started a book ten years prior but can't finish it. She has a bad case of writer's block. The publisher sends an assistant over to prod her and get the creative juices flowing.  She asked, "Have you written any pages today?  A list of words?"  I thought that was an interesting idea, simply writing words hoping they'll spark a flame.  So I started writing words I don't use very often.

This writing about nothing and everything may get tedious for me and definitely for a reader. I'm working on some strange 'real life' ideas that may be good but could also freak you out. I tend to observe people and joke about the shit we humans do. My fellow monkeys in the workplace have stories......weird stories.  Maybe someday I'll finish and post that music novelette. Maybe not. Sometimes this writing about such mundane things seems weird to me. It must seem strange to people on the other side of this brain.  Maybe I'll get a great idea about nothing tomorrow and write my best post....or the next day.

Until then, I'm reading what other LJ people offer. 

internet, writing

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