Palin to Obama: "Call me."

Jun 19, 2010 08:25

Last week Sarah Palin suggested the president call her to discuss the gulf oil crisis. She can't be serious. There must be another reason. I think she desires a presidential booty call. The Republi-bimbo is not qualified to discuss adult issues, like the BP spill. The ditsy queen of superficial politics hasn't enough room on her hands to write the cheat notes.

I realize the president has done a craptacular job on the oil spill but not even the most rabid teabagger could suggest Palin has answers to this environmental tragedy. Okay, maybe some teabag loving wingnut is deluded enough to think she could help, but that's just the crazy people on the extreme unthinking right ..... not George Will.

This women must be stopped before she cons her way onto the 2012 ticket.

We all know the Democrats are pretty good at digging up embarrassing shit on their political ememies. They have a history of dirty tricks, rigging elections (see 1960 Chicago), and turning relatively small misdeeds into career wrecking scandals (see Trent Lott) ....... but they appear to have no dirt on Palen. Well, except for the retarded things she says. Someone must end Palin's charade. Where is James Carville when we need him? Oh yeah, I forgot, the Raging Cajun is already fucking an arch conservative. How much can we ask of one man?

There has to be a photo of Palen chugging from a beer bong, cooking methamphetamine, or passed out drunk and naked with a couple of Eskimos sporting a coke mustache. She's from Wasilla, Alaska! It's the meth capitol of the tundra. There's NOTHING else to do up there, and that's when people do stupid things.

She had to club a baby seal or blow a polar bear at some point in her life. Don't tell me she's savvy enough to wipe the record of all her stupidity. The CIA, KGB, FBI, OSS and Interpol combined couldn't cover that mission.

Maybe an Obama booty call is just what the dirty political doctor ordered. The O-Man wooed millions of voters. He can use his hope & change charm on Miss Wasilla. The first lady might be upset but the Prez would be doing this in the name of national security. He'd be taking one for the team.

We only need a few compromising pics of her with Obama and she's finished in the GOP. The Teabaggers would burn her in effigy. Problem solved. Obama can wear a condom.


Correction: If she clubbed a baby seal her right wing approval rating would improve.

politics, politically incorrect

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