What does getting involved with spirituality mean???
We don’t have to get involved in changing any bad thing inside us, nor do we have to get engaged in growing good things inside us. In spirituality, we directly know what is the reality. There are no rituals or religion to be followed either. Everything is bypassed and you directly come to pure Soul.
Spirituality is based on right understanding. So, if anyone in life gets involved with spirituality, it straightaway begins to solve all their worldly problems and one starts experiencing freedom from all worldly unhappiness. Hence, there’s actually no harm if everyone in life gets involved with spirituality.
Spirituality Provides a Permanent Solution to All the Problems
In this world, everyone in life is suffering from so much of pain, unhappiness, stress, tensions, depression, frustration, tiredness, worries, loss, failures, problems, troubles, sufferings, physical pain, hurt, misery, sadness, sorrow, mental ailments, loneliness, hatred and anger.
The suffering is all due to ignorance, the ignorance of viewpoints of each other and mainly the ignorance of Self i.e. ‘who am I’ is the biggest cause of any problem.
Once we know, in reality, who am I and who is the doer, then automatically whatever suffering has come due to ignorance can be dissolved.
Spirituality means to attain the Right Vision!
For moksha (liberation, freedom), you simply have to change your vision.
What does the wrong vision do? It makes one see, ‘This person created a loss for me, this person caused me a profit, this person insulted me, this person gave me unhappiness, this person gave me happiness, etc.’
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the Enlightened being says, “Really speaking, there is no one out there who can give unhappiness or happiness. Everything lies within only. Anger-pride-deceit-greed are the ones that give you unhappiness and these verily are our enemies. There is no enemy outside. Those outside are all merely an evidentiary instrument (nimmit). So, if you get this Right Vision (Samyag-Darshan), then know that you have attained the solution.”
When one realizes the Soul (Self-Realization, Samyag-Darshan), it marks the beginning of spirituality
All along, we have always believed ourselves to be the body or the name given to identify this body, and therefore we have remained body-conscious or (worldly) self-conscious. But when we get involved with spirituality, our awareness begins to move beyond the body (which is temporary), onto the real Self (which is permanent). We start being spiritually conscious!
Our real Self is the pure Soul, this is what we really are!!!
- Soul is an eternal element.
- Soul is the God residing within each of us.
- Soul is nothing but Love.
So when we are involved with spirituality, it makes us one with every living being in this world!!! Isn’t it worth it?!
It’s easily possible for anyone to get involved with spirituality today
Let’s understand how…
- Attain Self-Realization: Through Akram Vignan, anyone can attain Self-Realization in a matter of two hours only, as the Living Gnani (Enlightened One), with his divine spiritual powers, directly gives us the experiential knowledge of the Self.
- Attend spiritual gatherings: Attending spiritual gatherings ensures we do not lose touch with spirituality. The confidence and belief in spirituality increases. We find ourselves in a like-minded group where we learn from others’ experiences and gain support when falling weak.
- Come to satsang and shibirs: There is difference between religious and spiritual satsang or retreats. The latter are conducted in the presence of the Enlightened One, therefore these sessions enlighten us more and more as they increase the awareness of our Soul.
- Read spiritual books: When the Enlightened One is not around or to study a particular aspect of spiritual lesson in detail, books are a good resource which comes handy when it comes to a quick clearance of some doubts in our mind or some roadblocks on our path of progress and also when we have long hours at spare.
- Follow the words of the Enlightened One and put in the right effort: This is one of the most important thing to progress on the path of spirituality. And all of the above help enhance our understanding such that we are able to follow the words of the Enlightened One more correctly and accurately. The right independent effort is possible only after one has become the Self (Soul). This happens after Self-Realization and under the proper guidance of the Enlightened One. The right independent effort is continuous, unending and non-dependent. A perpetual state of liberation (freedom and peace) prevails through the alertness of this effort.
So whoever gets involved with spirituality gets onto the path of freedom, liberation. Hence, for whomever it is possible, they must get involved with spirituality.