Sep 02, 2012 23:52
Here goes, my writing life and words do mean the world to me. You see I can create or invent and that makes me God. Well, yes...I conceive magic!!!
Let's see how this goes, as far as the art of writing goes. I hope to be able to succeed in this one and perhaps, turn this into a journal of the things that make me up spiritually, mentally and by soul, or should I say heart. So what's the difference??? The soul is the hardest to describe.
By spirit, I mean the intangible me that feels and conjures from within a force that is powerful and yet not physical. The spirit is something like the religion of my self; my spirit. Oh! Sounds nutty to you but hey..."This is me and that's all I have, me. Private - me! The one no one knows." My spirit is more then private, it's energized by a force only I control.
Hey! I like this...
By mentally, I mean the will I have in me that powers my feelings, my dreams, my behavior, my acts and my emotions. The list is probably longer but so be it. (Loosing track here…I have this memory problem.) I have to will my thoughts mentally to process everything however; the mind is taken for granted. Some of my will is done by instinct. Wow! Like I'm God...let my will be done. Condition instinct!
By soul, I mean when the spirit and the mind work in communion and my gut gets involve into wanting to succeed in order to satisfy something beyond Godlike.
Okay back to square one, I would like to make this a historical notation of who I am as I’m writing about myself as an exposure to me. I have only me to impress so let's see what happens.
I need help with my vicious cycles and my destructive behavior. I need to adjust my life and balance it otherwise; I'm going to burn out my life. Yes, I mean die young. I want to live but live happily. Joy should reign and I need to feel proud. I want to be happy and admire myself physically, mentally, and spiritually to be at peace with my soul.
What does it add up to? I need to loose weight. I need to eat healthy. I need to sleep or should I say rest well. I need to have a balance budget. I need above all, I need to exercise daily. These are but a few things I have to do in order to make my life better.
I need to take the bull by the horns...Laugh out loud. Yeah, I need to turn my life around and change. I want to be in control. I want to look good. I want to feel good. I want others to admire me. I don't want others to have negative thoughts about me since, negatives smothers more negativism.
I want to be able to dress as I please and not feel a shame of me. I want to look desirable. I have many wants but I need to commit in achieving these goals.
So, today is September the second, in the year, two thousand twelve. How long will it take me? I know that depends on too many factors. I want to commit. I have a life time ahead of me. But I'm not going to depict a time frame. The abuse to me has gone on for a long time therefore; I know it will take a long time to reach the normalcy I need.
I also need to resolve my jitters, my nerves. Calm myself and relax; my rigid jaw, the clenching of teeth, the jarring of my shoulder blades, the involuntarily shakes and frowning of the temples with the squeezing of my eyes are all things I need peace with.
So, here I am and it's 3:54 AM. I need to get up early tomorrow for church and I have 651 words here 99 more to go. Wow...this is not going to be easy.
My chances are slime. I need help. Tomorrow I need to go weight myself and before I come on into writing Monday morning I need to measure myself. I also have a few notes of things I need to do. After my quota is tally, I will copy those to do from a list I have to find.
I need will power!!! I need patience. I need help. I need luck. I need God's help.
In conclusion, I need a make over in more ways then one if I plan to be alive for a very long time. I will commit myself to changing my evil ways to become a better person. I am number one.
Next I will make promises...!
make over