Jun 13, 2006 14:17
officially the best live band in the world. for the first and last time i saw hamburgers truly freak out last night while the black lips played in the small oven-like room at the top of the squat on the river. sweat was flying, beer was being poured over the guitarist's head, shoes were stomped on, things were randomly thrown around, dancing sticky wet pulsing bodies were forever colliding, and the heat was so intense that during each song, despite the fact that they were maybe the BEST! SONGS! EVER!, i was looking forward to the end because then the room would get a bit breezy from all the clapping/yelling/fists-being-pumped-in-the-air for a small moment. THE BLACK LIPS!
am effing deaf today.
and now some current observations:
current outside temperature: 28 degrees
current suitcases packed: 0
current boxes on my floor that have to be sorted through: 4
current hearing loss: massive
current number of corny bananen-schokolade granola bars eaten: 5
current mood: queasy sadness stress-stomach