How close is the average joe?

Apr 15, 2009 23:06

Today I watched the news and got angry and sad about the state of things.  Okay, I will admit I have never been a big advocate of the homeless.  It used to be, and i am sure it is true in many cases that some just choose not to work.  However, I am sure that is not the case for everyone now.

I seems (and again I am sure they are all over) there is a tent city in Sacramento along the river.  I guess it has made national attention, and now the city leaders(who had closed their eyes for the better part of year or longer say's, it's time to take the tents down and send them on their way or be arrested.  City officials say there is room for everyone at the shelters.... this is not true.

So we read and hear on the news about large companies facing layoffs: we hear and see small business simply closing up shop.  Even at UCSF we are told all is well and doing good, then another day we hear that the medical center needs to be more cost efficient to avoid economic cutbacks.

So no I am not a big homeless advocate.... but, a dark and dismal question comes to my mind.  How close is the "Average Joe" to being homeless.  How many people could live with a roof longer than a month or two without income.  Will unemployment compensation be enough?

I have never had to starve, or worry where I was going to sleep...and I hope I never have to.
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