Dec 04, 2006 07:50
This weekend was just ew.
I always hear people complaining saying that Bosnia is shit. That there is no way out for this country. But at the same time, every fucking coffee shop is always full, every day of the week. This is typically Bosnian. "I'll drink coffee all day, complain about everything that is going on, and hope someone else changes the situation". One thing I admire about Canada is if the citizens feel strongly about something, they go out and protest. And a pretty large group protests even for the smallest matters. That is just not possible here. During the summer, thousands of people signed a petition against the Government. And I really do mean thousands. But when these people are expected to protest, 50 of them show up. The sad thing is, these protests are regarding the 60% unemployment rate. Yes, 60%!!!! Every 6th man on the fucking street doesn't have a job!. Imagine the unemployment rate around 20% in think 50 people would show up? It all comes down to one basic thing, the mentality of people here. So why the coffee shops are always full and protests are empty? Because even the Bosnian who doesn't have a job , but has some little money he gets from his aunt in Switzerland, spends it on a coffee, cigs, and a loaf of bread. And even though he hates this, he says "It could be worse", and hopes money will fall from the sky, and that a job is going to come to him. There are many potential resources available for the Government to use to create jobs, but instead the money they get to invest into factories, they put into their own pockets. So the conclusion is, the politicians get richer and the Bosnians are left with coffee and the thought of how it could be better. The current situation in Bosnia is as follows:
1. A Serb who still believes in the idea of a "Great Serbia" will most probably be the leading politician of BiH. So he will have authority over the Muslim, Croatian, and Serbian representative in the government. This Serb once said he doesn't want to come to Sarajevo because he feels like he is in Teheran, Iran. wtf?!?
2. A Serb is currently the president of the BiH football federation. A Serb in the next couple of weeks will be the president of the BiH basketball federation.
3. The President of Republika Srpska criticized the Queen of England for congratulating BiH on Independence day.
4. The Bosnian Croatians apparently have the idea that we will join Croatia and become one country.
5. The Bosnian Muslims are lost. Or just follow whatever the international organizations say.