The Philosophy of Myself

Aug 06, 2008 08:21

We as humans have this standard believe, a personal set of ideals of who we are. These ideals change almost daily and can be influenced by many things: social, economic, religious and yes even sexual. (I'll give you a second to absorb that.) However, there is a few set of things we all possess that is set, the basis of our own identity. While some are simple in nature and concept, there other that are complex and vast. I never told anyone about my own personal thoughts and beliefs. Don't be too shocked at it.

1. Happy endings are for the foolishly over-romantic.
I always go for the ending where the hero rides off into the sunset with the woman or gets that one kiss under the gazebo in the rain. I never believed that it is suppose to happen all the time. There going to be some tragedy. Besides if there is a happy ending for one, there usually an endless line of sad ones for others.

2. I always cheer for the bad guy in movies.
Call me the underdog, the cheer of the villain (cause I am one) and all but, even the bag guys needs something to look forward to. I mean the hero always gets the girl, saves the world. But what do we get? Well besides the awesome lines. Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, Tony Montana, Stewie Griffin...they all got the best, memorable lines. Even if they didn't save the day. Well except for Vader, but he a special case. I cheer when they blow up shit. Call me evil; you welcome.

3. I'm a realist by birth, cynic by nature.
I don't see the glass as half full or half empty. I look at it as someone been drinking out my damn glass and pass me the bottle of Jager. I never been one who is optimistic or pessimistic. There are qualities in each, but I'm a person who just sees it as real. I'm one who believes sometimes hope is the road that leads to disappointment. But, sometimes hope is all we have to make it by. Sometimes it's a study in contradiction, but never said that cynics are the most logical.

Well there shall be more about me later. Now...I need to do some other stuff. What...I don't know. Til then....
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