Well i'm Baaaaaaaaaaack

Nov 17, 2005 10:57

well being home for a week was nice. Now i'm back at CPMC for more chemo. Three days to be exact. And then i'm sure a couple days for observation to watch my stats.

They're trying desperately to get me a private room. So far no luck. But they're making it a priority.

During the time I was home. I got extremely run down. I'm beginning to wonder if I wound up very dehydrated. All I wanted to do was sleep. My sister came down Saturday and went home on Sunday. I felt bad because I slept most of the time she was here. But she understood.

Yesterday I had to have an ultrasound done. Where I had the testicle removed last month. Suddenly a hard mass has appeared there. Which is also a little painful. Will post more as I find out more.
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