No Blood Clot

Oct 10, 2005 17:04

Well I went in for an Ultrasound of my leg earlier. They put a rush on it. My regular Dr. came over to see how I was doing. Well actually it was Dr. Drennan my regular Dr's associate who's also a very good Dr. There were no sign of blood clots in my leg. They're thinking now that it was just a result of the testicular problem. And that the swelling was caused by that. And will eventually go away. They're still waiting for my Pathology reports to come back. My regular Dr. Dr. Cubba will swing by in the morning to see me. Which means i'm closer to getting the hell out of here. Back in my own bed. Back to watching my own TV and my own Cable and my TiVo. And all the comforts of home. I can't wait
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