Mage Concept

Nov 17, 2005 14:18

Name: James H. Poitier
Alias: DJ Lust
Shadow Name: TBD (thinking either Anael [angel of passion, love, and romance] or Ashtaroth [Demon/demoness of lust])
Path: Arcanthus
Order: Free Council
Destiny of 3
Heavy focus on Time and life, with a lighter on Fate and Mind.

Concept: "Harry Potter" as written by Nancy Collins and given an NC-17 Rating for violence and sex.

Not all the details are relevent. Most aren't written out yet. Important things that would stand out in any glance through time or reading of fate: 10 month child, Man not Borne of woman (he was cut from his mother's cooling corpse). Almost raped at 14 by his own cousin (First Eipiphany), Joined a group playing with the occult while in high school (second eipiphany), organized a massive orgy meant to power a "Tantric Magic Spell" that would catapault him into power (Awakening).

Currently studies Psychology and Cognititve Sciences at MIT. Often found hanging out in either the MIT "Infinite Corridor" or at the nearest Rave.

My character was once interested in being Mysterium, but clashed with the idea of bringing back Atlantis. Believes that Atlantis was Fated to fall, and that we should be seeking the NEW Atlantis, and improve on the old rather than harken to that which fell.

Looking for:

Romatic partners of both genders
Ex-lovers of both Genders
Adversaries (people who I compete with, not simply "James! Prepare to Die!")

Note Bene: is more "Open" about use of his real name, but you have to have a reason why you'd know it.


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