I was tagged by
keeconk and I just noticed it. hahaha
Well here's another meme:
A) Complete the phrase.
B) Tag 5 people to do the meme.
C) Feel free to add more!
1. Love can be painful and tragic but can also be heaven that you can't live without.
2. Life is undefinable, but unbelivable.
3. I am going to study in Japan in 3 yrs. time.
4. Being insane is negative but can be positive. *if you know what I mean*
5. I've come to realize that when I laugh, people fall in love with me. lol.
6. God is the the one we cling to.
7. The World is my playground and I'm it's revolver.
8. F*ck is undescribable.
9. Daydreaming makes me find the good in each day.