Me, me, me. (Me, too.)

Nov 09, 2007 20:33

This post contains a Legally Blonde: The Musical fic rec.

Take a Girl Like You by _starrystarry

I scraped myself off the floor in order to rec this, because omigod, LOVE. The story flows so naturally from one scene to the next, with the Elle and Emmett achingly in-character and speaking dialogue that has just enough snap to place it within that world. Also, there's a realism to it, making the place they're in, the things they're seeing, the stuff they're talking about all the more substantial, and that gives it that extra weight to make it believable as a story and an extension of canon, which is really what we read fic for. I have to say, this is the first (and so far only) fic for LB: The Musical that I find really works. I'd go as far as to say if _starrystarry had written this before I'd written mine, I wouldn't have tried writing at all, because this is as close to perfection as it can be. This ficcer gets it in ways that I struggle to, and that makes me so - very - happy.

legally blonde musical, musicals

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