Superman Returns extras

Dec 06, 2006 09:10

I planned to upload more, but I have to use no less than three programs* to convert the DVD clips to an appropriately-sized uploadable format, and the conversion times are way too long so this is what I've managed so far.

Behind-the-scenes of the elevator transformation scene which, upon multiple viewing, is more striptease-like than it ought to be for the Man of Steel.

Don't ask Bryan Singer stupid questions like what happens to Clark Kent's clothes. XD

Easter egg on the DVD, the only one I've found so far. Lex Luthor thinks that Lois is WRONG WRONG WROOOOOONG!

James Marsden seems like a really fun guy. He just gets the boring roles. :/

*For the curious, the programs I use for conversion are:
(1) DVD Shrink to remove the DVD copyright protection and save videos as VIDEO_TS on my PC.
(2) DVD converter to convert the VIDEO_TS to .avi
(3) Pinnacle Video Editor to slice the .avi at the precise locations into an uploadable version.

In other news, I have started downloading Heroes episodes. Potential new fandom?

superman returns, superman, videospam

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