Il Mare & The Lake House

Aug 08, 2006 00:22

Long story short, I had free time today because I took the day off for my medical check-up. This left my afternoon free to do things like watch Il Mare: the Korean movie off which The Lake House as based on. It would be grossly unfair to compare the two, because the Korean one claims ownership of the original story, while the Hollywood version has ( Read more... )

fangirlism, picspam

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liviapenn August 7 2006, 17:09:38 UTC

I was just surfing by on friendsfriends and decided to read this entry because I hadn't heard that The Lake House was based on a foreign film, and now I'm so glad I did! TLH sounded kind of boring to me, but now that I know there are car accidents and nearly averted death, I'm much more interested. (I love "Frequency" even though it's utterly cheesy, for instance.) I'm so shallow. *G*


dachinchilla August 7 2006, 17:22:15 UTC
Hee! You want shallow? I only decided to watch The Lake House because Keanu and Sandra are so pretty together. I only vaguely knew that there was time-travel involved, but not any of the details, so that just turned out to be a big bonus for me. Romance + time travel = a very happy me.

Frequency was actually much more believable when it came to altering timeline, because for each thing that they changed, son-Caviezel (argh, can't remember his name) remembers both the original timeline and the altered timeline, so the original timeline didn't just magically disappear. The Lake House mostly uses the time-travel as an excuse for the romance, but I don't think it's any more ridiculous than what went on in Back to the Future Part II. XD


drquinzel August 8 2006, 01:48:12 UTC
You watched Frequency! I liked tht movie and was disappointed when others didn't get it.


dachinchilla August 8 2006, 05:05:33 UTC
But Frequency is one of the most straightforward time travel movies! O_o


drquinzel August 9 2006, 02:36:09 UTC
I think it's more of "this movie doesn't have enough explosions, i shall now zone off and later complain how complicated it is" >.


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