Batman is cranky 'cos he doesn't have a kick-ass theme like Supes

Jul 05, 2006 11:33

The Superman Theme, composed by John Williams. Unfortunately my John Williams CD doesn't have the love theme, does anyone have it?

On another note, Lois and Clark are supposed to be The DC OTP of Doom. Was that thing in Superman Returns The DC OTP of Doom? Seems to me that the only character who was aware of The OTP of Doom was James Marsden's Richard White, poor fellow. *pets*

Fic link for leila_nile: Wave If You See Me From Afar by trollprincess- Nice fic, great characterisation of Lois but it makes the assumption that Lois knew that Jason was Superman's kid and acted accordingly. From what we see in the film Movie!Lois has no idea that Superman is Jason's father.

Besides, the only chance the pair could have had to get it on was during the events of Superman II when Lois figures out that Clark is Superman -- events that she no longer remembers. Must have been freaky for her, in Superman Returns when she learns that Jason's daddy is Supes, because she must be all zomg when did I have sexx0ring with the Man of Steel and WHY DON'T I REMEMBER IT WAS IT THAT BAD?


ETA: Gwen Stacy is in Spider-man 3? What? Why doesn't anyone tell me these things? T_T

mp3 post, superman

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