"Mermaids" icons

Dec 26, 2005 18:40

This was for the abc_icons challenge. I had screencaps lying around, so I thought I'd do something with them. 26 icons from the tv movie Mermaids, each corresponding to a letter from the alphabet.

Mermaids. )


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Comments 6

drquinzel December 26 2005, 07:37:51 UTC
When I read "Mermaids", I thought "OMG!! 80s Mermaids?? Winona Ryder? Cher? Bob Hoskins? Christina Ricci? LOVE <3!!!"

And then I clicked the cut. o___o;


dachinchilla December 26 2005, 18:22:21 UTC
But but but that's why I said "tv-movie Mermaids".


drquinzel December 26 2005, 18:30:27 UTC
I missed that bit.

Mermaids as in Jojo? o____O;;;


dachinchilla December 26 2005, 23:29:35 UTC
Jojo? You have totally lost me. ^_^;;


drquinzel December 27 2005, 23:05:56 UTC
The fonts you're using are pretty! What are they? (/end icon maker dorkism)

PS Shouldn't "Under the Sea" be spelled as "Unda da Sea" ;D
Soz, couldn't resist. *goes off humming*


dachinchilla December 28 2005, 03:51:45 UTC
There's only one pretty font there, which is MA Sexy... I used that for the large capital letters. ^_^ I think I got it from dafont.com.


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