Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Genre: Snippet of a WIP
Warning: Slash
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: G (so far)
Personal Notes: When faced with writer's block, take a piece of a WIP, label it a "ficlet", and put it up. The WIP's official title is How Does One Get Over Daniel Jackson, and has a current word count of just over 3k words. *miserable sigh* This snippet has just over 300 words.
It was all kinds of hurtful that Jack hadn't told Daniel that he'd been up to other… activities. Not that Daniel expected Jack to report every single thing he did during downtime, but with their lives being as they were, Jack actually starting to see someone was a big deal. And they were friends, were they not? Friends informed each other when there were such updates in their personal lives, did they not? The fact that he was mucking up his mental grammar had to be an omen.
Then there was the way that Jack had avoided looking at him, as though he hadn't wanted Daniel to know about it. Which brought forward the obvious question of why. Did Jack feel awkward about telling Daniel such things? Was there something about the person he was seeing that he didn't want Daniel to know? Was Jack just plain shy about it? (Although the usage of Jack and shy in the same sentence begged wrongness in every way.)
Well, if Jack hadn't wanted Daniel to know, then he wasn't going to push the matter. After all, it was Jack's business and he was entitled to see whomever he...
It could be someone on base. One Janet’s nurses, maybe. Goodness knows that a number of them had had their eye on Jack for quite a while. Then there was that young lieutenant who tended to stutter whenever Jack was around. Or maybe it was…
Wait, it wasn't Daniel's business.
Hmm. But on the other hand…
They were friends, and friends told each other that sort of thing. And Jack sure wasn't being much of a friend if he'd been keeping Daniel in the dark about it, and no, he wasn't going to apologise for getting worked up about it, because that's what friends did.
The way Daniel saw it, there were three options. One, slyly (or subtly) confront Jack about the matter, hoping that he'd be upfront about it. Two, ignore it, hoping that Jack would eventually let him in on it. Or three, do some of his own investigative work.
Hmm. Ponder ponder.
Option three it was.