Sep 09, 2008 11:52
Well hello there LJ.
Basically the only reason I still have a LJ is to read other people's but I'm in the middle of a job search right now and rather than be productive the whole time (who wants that) I figured I could throw some words down in the ole LJ. Here they are.
In follow up to the last post. I got my tattoo and I really love it. I think it's primarily because I can only see it once or twice a day when I'm getting out of the shower and look in the mirror. If it was right on my arm or on my calf I might thing to myself "why the hell do you have a nautical star on your arm" more frequently. But now I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror and think "Yay that still looks cool!" Most people that I've shown it to seem to like it as well so I'm pretty pleased with my first tattoo choice. It actually didn't hurt almost at all. Maybe 3 times did I flinch but the rest actually kinda felt good...I dunno what that says about me.
I toured with Missoula and loved it. What a great company with great people. I dunno if I could do it again (certainly not for a year like my tour partner did) but it's great to have that connection to such a wonderful place. I loved Missoula the city and Missoula the company. Yay for the Pacific Northwest. I think that the west coast from Nor Cal up would be where I'd like to "settle down" someday. It's just an amazing area. Tons of varied natural beauty and some really great people. I've of course got other places in the world to see before I make the "settle down" decision but PacNW certainly ranks high currently.
After tour I had to go home for a bit which was pretty soul sucking but gave me a lot of introspective time which I think in the end was really good. I don't know if it has really furthered me career wise or anything like that but personally it gave me time to deal with some things that have been weighing on my mind. After all of this introspection I decided I wanted to move to DC where I am currently writing this. (Well right outside of, I'm in Arlington, VA in the Clarendon area, which for anyone not familiar with DC is about 10 minutes outside of the city so it's a really good location.) I'm living with Olga (YES) from Russia who owns the Condo, some guy in the basement who owns a fitness center and I forget his name (he stays in the basement most of the time) and room for one more. So if anyone knows anyone who wants to move to DC tell them to get in touch with me because it's a pretty good deal. I painted my room (the first room I've ever painted) and I really like it. 3 Khaki walls and one red accent wall. It looks really good. Now I have to get everything in here and furnished. My new mattress from Ikea is awesome and tonight I'm building my bed with my new DC friends Nick and Jeremy so that'll be a huge step in the right direction.
Now the only thing left is to find a job. I've gotten to a point where I really want a stable life for at least a while (just to see how that feels). I think I want a solid 9-5 (that isn't completely soul sucking) and I can do theatre work at night and on weekends. I know it isn't quite the bohemian style I once strove for but it's a bit more realistic for now. Who knows, maybe I'll hate the stability and crave what it's been like the past little bit. It's certainly exciting (if not unnerving). Maybe when I get a job, I'll repost on here. Doubtful though.
Oh yes, one other big thing is I was betrayed heavily by a former friend and roommate of mine. There's a huge story that isn't worth typing out and most people already know the deal. It's probably going to involve some legal action at some point so I don't really wanna put too much up here. It may or may not get to that point depending on my options. We'll see. Just figured, for posterity sake, I should make a note of this so I don't forget when this went down in my life. *anger*
But backing away from that topic. Things are pretty good right now. I'm meeting lots of new people. Seeing some old friends. Reading a lot. Making a room into my own. Living in a city I'm really excited about. Now when I get a nice job the package will be complete. I know that's a HUGE missing piece for most people but after the past couple of months I'm really happy to just have my own space and be back out of Harlan. I was there for way too long and this is a great change of pace.