WoW, life at Embry-Riddle has been wild. As the semester slowly rolls to an end i feel more tired as the weeks go by. It may be cause I'm tired of goin to school or it may be that i get an average of 8 hours of sleep per week. Sleep has become optional now. It just takes up your time. You can't really do anything with sleeping; you can't multitask, you can't pretend to do homework, and you can't procrastinate studying for a test. The only really good thing about sleeping is that you get to dream about boys. And i guess that whole not being fatigued is ok too.
Ok, so last monday i found out that i was goin to Kentucky. It was for a conference of people that help students in resident halls. It was kinda erie to see all these people that are in resident hall associations. And that they have conferences. Not only on the state level but also in regional and national level too. This spring Riddle is hosting the state conference for other resident hall associations. Its gonna be lots of fun and stuff. Im on the conference board and im in charge of the Meals & the Banquet. One thing i like about the conferences is that all the guys are pretty much gay. I dunno how we just get drawn to these type of things. But it should be fun anyways.
So now its Thanksgiving break and im washing and packing. The sad thing is that my homework will prolly weigh more than my clothes and accesories. Thats why Riddle sucks ass. Just one of the many ways they like to fuck you over. But this break is long over due and it is very much needed. I get to go home and seem my family and my friends and drive here, there, any fucking where. Eeven though its only 5 days I'm sure i will be sure to squeeze every second out of the days that i can.
What else....
Recently in our NCOD Ice Cream Social we invited the Business Guild of Daytona, which is the professional way of saying, All The Old Homosexual Business Peoplez of Gaytona. It made for a good turnout at the social and now they want to get involved in what GALBA is trying to do. We are very happy for it, well excpet for the old Mo's gawking at the young meat. So they're gonna give us $750 for next semester's budget, added onto our current budget of $300ish, gives us well over $1000. Which would be like the most GALBA has ever had. Sounds too good to be true??? It might be.... In order to get this money we'll have to "waiter" two of their banquets in december. Its holiday theme and they'll provide the uniform. The members have told the advisor who has told the President of the guild that the waiters are on a "look but don't touch" basis. So since the communication lines are clear i guess we can work it out. Also in other related gay news, Im prolly gonna be VP of GALBA next calendar year. Some other Mo's want the position, but they only come to the meeting to here the gossip, about the campus, that happens at the end of each meeting. They say they'll be at certain events but are they??? Umm... how about no! It happens all the time, they say, "Yea I'll be there, I really wanna do this.", but every time something comes up. So if they can't have an active roll when their general members, we jus supposed to trust that they'll step up in a position of power. I think not! The thing is that GALBA is doin really good in gettin our name out there; apparently better than it has been since like 7 years. I just don't want it to go back in the closet and be a secret org. Its a public thing and that where it should stay, Out & Proud. Vote Dave VP for GALBA '05.
As proof lemme show you what we did for Homecoming...
Click on RHC 04 Pres.swf You'll need Flash player to see it but its worth it.
And then...
The drag queens that helped us out in Homecoming all belong to a club right here in daytona. So the club owner who is a queen herself invited us down there whenever we wanted. Its kool cause the entertainment is really fun and whenever i go im 21, or at least I am for one drink. Its alot more funner with the more people you go with. Like the time before last it was me, Michael, Victor, and Olivia. And it was alot of fun with all four of us. But i think if we're gonna induct another person into our club goin plans it should be someone who can dance! Well Victor can kinda dance dirty but its only when he's drunk and only what i've taught him so far. And Mike says he can dance dirrty and God I Hope So. Cause the last time we went, OMG!!! They were playin this jammin music and Mike wanted to dance nd he tried to grab Victor, but Victor wasn't drunk enough. Then i said i would go with him since from where i was sitting it looked like he already had the rythm. But OMFG, he said he couldn't dance but OMFG, what he did was kinda scary. No it was very scary. It seems i have alot to teach my fellow homos. Don't worry, it'll be ok and we'll make it thru this.
Well this has been the longest post that i have ever had to do. Not in the sense that its alot to read eventhough it kinda is, but more in the sense that this same window has been open for the past two hours. Im gonna go eat something than comeback and finish packin cause Michael is droppin me off at 315ish.