Nov 01, 2004 20:14
WoW! Its been so long so long since i last updated. Partially cause nothin that big has happened and school has been keepin uber busy. Switching from Aerospace Engineering to Aeronautical Science was definately a step in right the direction. Unfortunately i have to memorize about eleven'd billion things like right now, and it goes really fast.
But its not all bad. This week is Homecoming Week!!! That means four days of classes. Then on Friday... Fun Alll Day Long! How about we not wake up til like noonish then im gonna be in the Homecoming Parade! Under which club, why GALBA of course. So Jason got us a BMW convertible from Orlando and three Drag Queens to perform "Boys Just Wanna Have Fun". We're still thinkin of ways to decorate the car. Of course since its not ours we can't tape it up or anything that will leave residue so we'll prolly have a bunch of flags and paper ads and use magnets to keep them on the car. So far Me, Jason, and John are the only ones that'll be walking behind the fabulous cars, so far. Its gonna be a grand walk around riddle. Everyone's worried about someone "attacking us" but im among the people and yes there are a few close minded folks but not those that would go to a Parade and be surprised about GALBA being in the parade. Its not like we've been quiet like last year, there's been flyers and socials and ads galore.
And the club is bigger than ever. It like every new month a new wave of members jus show up.
What i wanna know is when exactly is Diva Invasion!!! You people know and i need to know very Very sooon. Its in our budget to go so we're gonna use all of the money we have!
Tell me When!!!!!!!!!
Ok so now back to a million tons of homework.